Netgear EX2700 Setup
Netgear EX2700 is a range extender which is compatible with most of the Wifi routers and boosts the speed of your wifi in the weak signal areas. This device delivers the speed up to 300 Mb/s over 2.5 GHz wireless band. This router is equipped with external antennas that help in eliminating the dead spots for better performance. Have you just purchased a Netgear EX2700 to amplify your internet speed, but figuring out how to perform the entire setup? Check out the below article that will guide you on how to perform Netgear EX2700 setup that will extend the range of your Wifi router.
Let’s start with your step-by-step guide:
Step 1: How to setup Netgear EX2700 using WPS?
To start with this method, you need to connect your range extender with the secured Wifi network.
Power on the WPS button available on the side panel of the extender, it must show the green light.
Once the WPS button is active, within two minutes press the WPS button on your router, it must also display a green light.
On your device, check for the new extender network name, the extender name must have been added to your current Wifi network name, with _Ext in the end.

Once it is done, you need to connect your Wifi devices to this extender network. You can use the same password that you have setup for your Wifi router.
Now, unplug your extender and change its location. Move the extender to the areas where there is poor Wifi signal, however you need to make sure that the new location is within the range of the Wifi router network.
Plug the extender in the switch from the new location and wait till it blinks the green light.
You can take the help of your Wifi router Link Led that can help you choose a spot where the connection of router and extender is optimal.
Now you can connect your devices or computers to this extended network.

Step 2: How to setup Netgear EX2700 using Web Browser?
To get started with the Netgear EX2700 setup through a web browser you need to use the Wifi network manager on your device in order to connect the Netgeat_Ext (SSID) Wifi Network.
Once the setup is established you will be able to see that the device is blinking LED lights .
After this, open a web browser in the same device the browser will direct you to the Netgear Genie Smart Setup, if it does not direct you to that page then you need to launch a web browser, and write in the address field. Afterwards enter admin for the username and password to enter the password.
Then click on that Wifi which needs to be extended and press continue.
In the password field, you need to enter or write the network password or security key and again press continue.
The screen now will show you the Name field, type the new extender Wifi network name (SSID) and click continue. It is not necessary to change the security or password because you can use the existing one.
On the display screen use the Wifi network manager on your device that will connect you to the newly created extender’s Wifi network.
Then enter the password in the asked field.
After that, click on the check box and press the continue button.
Now, you need to unplug the extender and search for a new location that is closer to those areas where there is poor network or signal. In order to move your extender you need to ensure that Wifi router is in the range of the extender.
Securely plug in the extender and wait for a minute, till the power led light turns green. If this light does not get green you need to restart or press the power button in the extender.
The router link Led helps you choose a spot for where the connection of router and extender is optimal.
Your extender is ready to use.
While setting up your Netgear EX2700 the above information will guide you, if you still face any other issue while working on this setup feel free to contact us on our toll free number. You can even contact us on our email id, our experts are always available to help you any time.